Getting the money out of their pockets and into yours.

Welcome to Small Biz Doc Consulting Firm.

Here is where you can receive business information, learn from seasoned entrepreneurs, and increase your income while helping you on your journey to small business ownership, generating a higher profit and passive income. We will walk you from idea to operation by providing marketing outreach, education, and strategies to teach you how to direct the money out of the marketplace and into your hands!

Areas of Practice

Starting Your Own Business Training

Marketing Strategy

Acquiring Money for Your Startup

Business Networking & Promotional Events

Law of Attraction Principles Training

“We inspire entrepreneurs and potential business owners to embody business ownership with entrepreneurial marketing strategies to achieve their goal of financial independence.”

– Yulandor Plater

Get in Touch

Find out how you can become an exceptional business owner with our start-up resources, comprehensive solutions, and creative marketing strategies.